Results of the 2024 parent survey
Every year, the Supporting Association for our 17 childcare centres “Studentische Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V.” carries out a parent survey to ensure we can continuously improve the quality of our service. In all our childcare centres, all parents are asked to provide answers concerning various topics. The management then discusses the results of the individual childcare centre with the parents and, if possible, changes will be made for the following year.
Click here to have a look at the results of the overall survey of all 17 childcare centres.

Children are fascinated by digital media from a very young age. They come into contact with smartphones and tablets within their own family as well as in public. Our Supporting Association has been taking part in the campaign since it started in 2021/22. After our crèches Studentenflöhe and Herzerl having already participated, we are happy that our childcare centre Campus Martinsried has now been accepted to take part in the Campaign in 2023/24.
The campaign aims to support childcare centres to successfully manage their educational responsibility regarding digital media. The childcare centres’ staff was provided support regarding the competence required to successfully realise this goal, i.e. to professionally organise the use of media with children, along with their parents.
We are looking forward to digital education of and with the children in our childcare centre.
Supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs
Co-financed by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
* German source: Flyer (2021): Qualifizierungskampagne. Startchance Informationen für Kindertageseinrichtungen zum Kampagnenjahr 2021/2022

Chronicle of the Supporting Association
Universities have undergone major changes during the last 25 years. The overall trend, regardless of whether at university or at work, towards things happening at a greater speed and digitalisation is very evident and affects all areas of our life. Nonetheless, it is important to have enough time left to spend with our family despite the diverse challenges presented by our studies or work.
Kita-Tischlein deck Dich! - enjoying good meals together!
Our Hänsel & Gretel Crèche took part in this competition organized by the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry and WON! We’d like to offer our congratulations!
Among other things, the competition focussed on table manners and food culture.
The Hänsel & Gretel Crèche’s project clearly shows the crèche’s excellent work and cooperation with the parents.
The educational topics on food culture and on shaping meal situations were dealt with by the teachers and parents during the competition’s special week; in order to document the project, the parents shot this extremely good film and handed it in.