Application Process for Children of LMU Employees
Information for employees of the LMU regarding the application process for the childcare facilities of the “Studentische Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V.”
Admission Criteria
Following criteria must be fulfilled:
- At least one parent must be working at least part-time at the LMU (not the Klinikum!) as scientific or non-academic staff or have a postgraduate scholarship. Children of graduate assistants, temporary lecturers, apprentices and other scholarship recipients as well as of the group of people mentioned in Art. 14 (2) Bay UniKlinG, except those of professors and junior professors, do not fulfil this criterion.
- When the child starts going to the childcare facility, employment at the LMU must last for at least another six months.
- Should the employment end while a child is still attending the facility, it can only remain there until the end of that year's term.
You can apply for one of the following facilities
- Campuskinder Crèche
Amalienstr. 83, 80799 München - Childcare Centre at the Martinsried Campus
Großhadernerstr. 6, 82152 Planegg - Uni-Kleckse Crèche
Leopoldstr. 13a, 80802 München
Application Procedure
- You can only apply after your child has been born.
- Children can start at the childcare centre from 0 years.
- You can register your child for 5-days-a-week childcare using this application form! Daily booking times can be decided on when signing the contract.
- Please send the application form including all required documents (proof of employment at the LMU, birth certificate, document regarding prospective employment, if applicable) per mail to or to the following address:
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Studieren mit Kind
Leopoldstr. 15
80802 München - After we have received and checked your application, you will receive an email confirming your application.
- Once a year (in December), you will be required to confirm that you are still interested in a place. We therefore ask you to keep your contact details up to date! Every year in December, the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern will ask for confirmation by sending an automatically generated email to all the email addresses provided by the parents in the application forms. Due to the large mailing list, it is possible that, depending on your mail software, the email might end up in your spam folder. Should you not receive a confirmation request via email in the course of December, please contact the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern, department Studying with a Child, immediately. Should we not receive a confirmation within the time period specified in the email, your child will be removed from the waiting list.
Allocation of Places
Places are allocated by the management of the childcare facility according to the place on the waiting list in following priority groups, agreed upon in cooperation with the LMU:
Group 1: Children whose parents are both employed at the LMU according to the admission criteria and children of single parents. (We can only treat you as a single parent if you hand in what is called a “negative confirmation” issued by the Jugendamt.)
Group 2: Children with one parent employed at the LMU according to the admission criteria and the second parent employed elsewhere.
Group 3: Children whose parents fulfil the admission criteria but do not classify for groups 1 or 2.
Within one priority group, following children will be given priority:
- children whose siblings go to the same facility and will stay there for at least 3 more months after the child starts going to the childcare centre.
- cases where the LMU has significant official interest in gaining at least one parent as a new employee (confirmed by the dean or responsible department).
If there is still no difference between two applicants, the application date will determine who gets the place.
The following aspects are also taken into account for the allocation of places:
- For educational reasons, the final decision as to who will be accepted is made by the management of the childcare facility. In order to put together groups that are educationally suitable, the decision is based on the following criteria:
- gender of the child
- age of the child
- other educational reasons
Childcare Fees
The current childcare fees in our childcare centres depend on how many hours your child attends the facility. For more detailed information, please have a look at the current fee regulations.