Admission Criteria
Information for students for registering with the childcare centres of the supporting association “Studentische Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V.”.
Admission criteria
- As soon as your child is born, you can be added to the waiting list.
- In order to be put on the waiting list, at least one parent needs to be studying or needs to be planning on studying at one of the universities the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is in charge of.
- The waiting list is sorted according to date.
- After having been added to the online waiting list, you will not receive any further confirmation. After having sent off the online application, you will be asked to print out the confirmation that you have applied.
- Once a year (in December), everyone on the waiting list will be contacted and asked to confirm the application. If you do not answer to the email, your data will be removed from the waiting list.
- All families waiting for a place in a childcare centre will be invited to the information events of their childcare centre via email.
Data privacy statement
You can find our data privacy statement at:
Criteria for the allocation of places
The following criteria apply:
- Priority will be given to parents who are both students and to single parents (after having handed in document regarding sole custody). We proceed according to the date on the waiting list.
- Further criteria for certain childcare centres:
In the following childcare centres, students of certain universities are given priority:- Unikleckse (LMU)
- Pünktchen und Anton (HFF)
- Herzerl München (HM University of Applied Sciences) In all three childcare centres, priority is first of all given to the universities, then criteria no. 1 applies.
Priority for siblings
Siblings are given priority on the following conditions:
- Siblings can only be given priority within their own category on the waiting list, i.e. if only one parent is a student, then you can skip the others on the waiting list who are also in this category even though they may have longer waiting periods, but children of single parents/ parents who are both studying will still be ahead of you on the waiting list.
- Both children must also be in the childcare centre at the same time for at least three months, otherwise the child cannot be considered a sibling.
Going from crèche to kindergarten in our childcare centres
- Crèche children in the same childcare centre will be given priority for the kindergarten group.
- However, parents still must have their children put onto the waiting list for the kindergarten.
- Otherwise, the general criteria for the allocation of places apply (date on the waiting list, single parents/ both parents students).
Priority for siblings/ Going from crèche to kindergarten
- The additional criteria “sibling in the same childcare centre” and “child goes to the crèche in the same childcare centre” have the same weight.
- If a child meets several criteria, the family which meets most of the additional criteria will be given priority.
- Otherwise, the general criteria for the allocation of places applies (date on the waiting list, single parents/ both parents students).