How are the Studierendenwerk’s childcare centres organized?
Our childcare centres are organized and managed by the supporting association „Studentische Eltern-Kind-Initiativen e.V.“ This double structure has two main advantages: it allows the Studierendenwerk to finance and competently advise the childcare centres, while also giving the parents a substantial degree of influence on the procedures.
Managing Director of the supporting association is Sabine Füllhaas-Kahnes, head of department “Studying with a Child” at the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern.
Managing Director
Contact | Fr. Füllhaas-Kahnes |
Office | Leopoldstraße 15 | | |
Phone | +49 89 38196-1739 |
Secretary's office
Contact | Anja Flade |
Office | Leopoldstraße 15 room 109 | | |
Phone | +49 89 38196-1739 |
Divisional Management
Kita Herzerl, Ingeborg-Ortner-Kinderhaus, Uni-Kleckse, Kita Martinsried, Blumenkinder
Contact | Dipl.Sozialpäd.(FH) Sonja Simnacher |
Office | Leopoldstraße 15 room 107 | | |
Phone | +49 89 38196-1510 |
Divisional Management
Studentenflöhe, Pfifferlinge, Pünktchen&Anton, Meki und Murmele, Uni-Küken, Campuskinder
Contact | Dipl.Sozpäd. (FH) Ana-Maria Golestani |
Office | Leopoldstraße 15 room 108 | | |
Phone | +49 89 38196-240 |
Divisional Management
Kindervilla, Krabbelstube, Sonnenkäfer, BimBamBino, Olydorfspatzen, Hänsel und Gretel
Contact | Dipl.Sozialpäd.(FH) Regina Sueß-Willke |
Office | Leopoldstraße 15 room 108 | | |
Phone | +49 89 38196-289 |