Other universities
You are studying at a university not under the jurisdiction of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern. Our service is only available for you if you pay part of the Studierendenwerk fee, which all students here are required to pay.
This is how you can find out the phone number of a landlord/landlady:
- Please fill out this form and send it off in order to receive your personal user ID (a 6-digit combination of letters and numbers).
- Please be sure to keep your user ID somewhere safe.
- Please send us your certificate of matriculation (Immatrikulationsbestätigung/IB) or your acceptance letter
(Zulassungsbescheid/ZB) as well as an online receipt confirming that you have transferred €42.50 of the semester fee.
In case you are making your payment from abroad, please be aware of the fact that there will be additional charges, for which we cannot come up. Therefore, please ask your bank how high these additional charges will be and transfer the amount on top of the €42.50.
Bank details:
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Konto-Nr. (account no.): 273 01 20
BLZ (bank code): 700 202 70
IBAN: DE91 7002 0270 0002 7301 20
Please send the required documents to:
email: pzv@stwm.de
Please don’t send any Word or Excel documents! - As soon as we have verified your data and received your payment, your account will be activated.
You will then be able to request the contact details of a landlord/landlady for the rooms and flats offered via the Private Accommodation Service. - Everything else will be sorted out directly between you and the landlord/landlady.
- If a tenancy agreement is signed, the landlord/landlady will inform us that the room is taken. You won't have to take any further action.
We wish you good luck in finding a new place to stay!
Your Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Click here to get to the Private Accommodation Service’s registration from