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Day trip to Würzburg + Wine Festival

    Würzburg is a very old town in Franconia, in the north of Bavaria. In 2004 the city celebrated its 1300th anniversary of the founding of the town! Würzburg Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square has been a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site since 1981.

    We will first get a guided city tour so that you can gain more insights and insider information on the history and culture of Würzburg. After the tour, you will have the chance to visit some more tourist attractions by yourself, such as the UNESCO site, Fortress Marienberg, the Old Main Bridge or the Würzburg Cathedral St. Kilian. But Würzburg is definitely also wonderful for simply sitting at the banks of the river Main, sipping a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, or for shopping in the small stores and taking a relaxed stroll around town. 

    We'll even be there at the same time as the famous Bürgerspital Wine Festival will be taking place, the oldest winery in Würzburg. Is there any better time to try their wine?

    Date: 15th June 2024
    Time:  8:45 am
    Costs: €5

