Netiquette for Social Media Profiles
We're always happy to get in touch and interact with you on our social media channels as well as our Mastodon instance. Comments and contributions to discussions on our pages are public; we take suggestions and criticism seriously! However, to ensure good communication and dialogue we ask you to stick to some rules.
The following is not permitted:
- any type of insult, threat or disparagement
- incitement to violence
- political campaigning
- radical ideas, racism, hate campaigns and hate propaganda
- pornography and obscenities
- violation of other people's rights
- calls for campaigns or donations
- comments that have nothing to do with a post's topic
- links to external web pages unrelated to the original post
- publishing forum/blog posts, private correspondence or private data (addresses, email addresses or phone numbers)
- misuse of the comments function for advertising purposes
We reserve the right to delete comments and block "repeat offenders". All users are themselves responsible for the posts they publish. The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is not liable for these. We reserve the right to adapt the netiquette. We will always accept any suggestions, criticism or questions at: or via direct message online. Depending on the extent and content of your request as well as our team's current workload and availability, it can of course happen that it will take a while until you receive an answer.
Thank you very much for observing our rules – and enjoy our pages!
Your Social Media Team of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern