Highlights 2023
Cultural Programme

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Highlights Cultural Programme

Once again, numerous cultural events and activities were offered in 2023, focussing on a large variety of topics.

In a skateboarding taster course, for instance, FLINTA participants gained first insights into what it feels like being on a board and learnt how to best keep their balance, how to quickly and safely get off the board and lots of further tips and tricks for skateboarding.

In the colourful Olydorf, students were taken on a tour of the well-known living quarters. Apart from historical facts, participants were able to get a feeling for the students’ way of life in this very international part of town.

A “speedfriending” event offered students who were new in Munich and who had not yet met a lot of people or fellow students the opportunity to get into touch with each other in a quick and uncomplicated way.

Students participating in the cookery courses “Climate Gourmet” and “Planetary Health Diet” learnt how to cook sustainably and vegan and at the same time, how to create tasty dishes without a lot of effort.

All current events and activities of our Cultural Programme can always be found on this page. Naturally, we also inform you about the latest events on our social media platforms.