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Transparency on your Plate

  • Categories: University Gastronomy
  • Date:

A conscious diet can be so simple – and the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern will assist you. From now on we're going to label our dishes' CO2e emissions as well as water footprint in our online menus.

This is how it works:

A green CO2e traffic-light symbol represents a low CO2e footprint. A dish that causes at least 50 percent less CO2e (CO2 equivalents) than comparable dishes is labelled as a "KlimaTeller" (Eng. climate dish).

All dishes that are labelled orange contain ingredients whose CO2e footprint is still better than average. However, if the traffic light is on red, the dishes contain ingredients which are less sustainable than an average dish.

The system works similar regarding the water footprint. The amount of fresh water which is used for the product in the individual production region and the relative water shortage in the region are taken into account:

- green tells you that the water footprint for this dish is below the average of all dishes taken into account

- red tells you that the water footprint is more than double the average

More information on how the dishes' footprints are determined can be found here.

About the Project

Together with its cooperation partner NAHhaft e.V., the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is realising the project “KlimaTeller in der Mensa“. It's supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action as part of the national climate protection initiative.

The project's goal is to increase the number of climate-friendly dishes served in Germany's canteens and to thus effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the food sector both in catering and in everyday life of students, staff and guests.