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Inclusive Hall of Residence Opened

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Opened the inclusive hall of residence: Claudia Meijering, Director of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern, Bavarian Construction Minister Christian Bernreiter (MdL, member of the Landtag), Bavarian Science Minister Markus Blume (MdL), Munich's Third Mayor Verena Dietl and architect Matthias Hetterich.

Today, we opened a new hall of residence with a special inclusion concept in the Kaulbachstraße. The building, which accommodates 77 students with and without a disability, is accessible in many different ways.

The bell, for instance, does not only have a sound signal, but can also be perceived visually via flashlight signals, which is important for anyone with an impaired sense of hearing. Another example among many others is the floor labelling, which can be perceived via braille as well as visually. The hall of residence thus functions according to the "two-senses principle". Information is always accessible via at least two different senses. The hall of residence is also fully accessible for wheelchairs.

On the day of its opening, Claudia Meijering, Director of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern, pointed out: "The Kaulbachstraße Hall of Residence is a place of inclusion. I am very pleased that we have the opportunity to actively support students with and without impairments living here together."

The renovation was financed with funds provided by the Bavarian State Ministry for Housing, Construction and Transport. Opening speeches were delivered by Bavarian Construction Minister Christian Bernreiter (MdL, member of the Landtag), Bavarian Science Minister Markus Blume (MdL), Munich Mayor Verena Dietl as well as the architect Matthias Hetterich.

We wish all the Kaulbachstraße residents a good start!