Insight into Daily Life in a Crèche
Experience report on an internship in a crèche
We business apprentices were allowed to do an internship last week (3 - 7 June 24) in one of our crèches. We were allocated to the different childcare centres in advance.
I was allowed to gain my experiences in the crèche of the University of Television and Film, "Pünktchen und Anton". When I arrived Monday morning, I was directly welcomed by the childcare assistant in charge, with whom I went through the most important points.
The children started arriving at half seven and had to say goodbye to their parents, which was not always easy for them and produced a couple of tears. After that they went straight away to wash their hands, which is a very important issue in the childcare centre. The smaller children still need some help, the older ones can already manage themselves. There are children from 1 to 3 years of age in the crèche. The youngest was 14 months old and the oldest, who was soon to start kindergarten, was three and a half.
After having arrived and having washed their hands, the children were allowed to play while I and another intern prepared their breakfast. In the mornings, the children either have muesli, brezen or some bread, which the childcare workers prepare themselves. Everyone gathered around the tables and picked a place to sit. Every child got a bib, a glass of water and a plate with some food, and after having sung a song, they all started eating.
When the last children had finished their breakfast, they of course went to get their hands washed again. Afterwards, the children's nappies were changed while I cleaned the tables, the dishwasher and the floor. After that, everyone got their shoes on to go to a playground or for a walk. But if the weather wasn't good, we stayed inside and played. Whether in the "Tobezimmer", on the carpet with toy cars, with bricks or on the sofa with a book, all children play together. Sometimes there were little fights over a toy aeroplane or a building brick, but the children were all respectful and nice to each other.
An external catering company delivered the children's lunch; we adults prepared it in the kitchen for the hungry children and handed it out to them like during breakfast.
After having gotten their hands washed once again, they all got changed for their nap, for after all the playing and eating they're all really exhausted. The beds were prepared and the children were read a book. One by one, the children dropped off to sleep, some quicker than others, but in the end they all managed to have their well-deserved nap.
After having slept for one and a half to two hours, the children were already looking forward to being collected by their mummies and daddies. After having a bite to eat, such as fruit or yoghurt, the parents already started arriving. When all children were collected at roughly a quarter past four, everything was tidied up and prepared for the next day.
I gained lots of experience during my time there. I enjoyed very much playing with the children and noticing how they trusted me more and more, as they were all very shy and sceptical to begin with. I got on very well with the staff, one childcare assistant, one childcare teacher and two further interns and was nicely included. It was fun to work with all of them.
I am glad and grateful that I got the chance to do this internship so that I got to see what all belongs to everyday crèche life and what it means to be a childcare worker.