Apprenticeship with the Studierendenwerk

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The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern

The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is a public-law institution and, according to Bavarian university regulations, is responsible for the economic and social support and assistance of students studying at the state universities.

More information on the Studierendenwerk, such as its history, its functions or its organisational structure can be found here.

Apprenticeships with the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern

An apprenticeship with the Studierendenwerk is extremely diverse thanks to the many different departments which you will get to know during your time as an apprentice. Each of our departments offers various different tasks and challenges.

Apart from routine office work and dealing with exciting cases, you will also have the opportunity to get in touch with our students during your apprenticeship.

All our employees who are responsible for looking after our apprentices are specially trained for this task and always do their best to teach our apprentices in a competent way. It is also very important for them that all apprentices enjoy their work with us.

Click here to find out what our apprentices themselves say about their apprenticeship with the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern.

Our Conditions

This is what we offer

General Information
  • 30 days annual holiday: 24th + 31st December free days
  • various reduced prices, such as for the University Sports Center or for meals in the canteens
  • situated in the city centre (U3/U6 Giselastraße) and travel allowance
  • employee bicycle rental
  • intensive preparation for intermediate and final exams
  • competent staff who take care of the apprentices and are always willing to help
  • regularly held employee development talks
  • further trainings
  • very good chances to be taken on after having completed the apprenticeship
  • further education possible in different areas after the apprenticeship has ended
  • Remuneration as per TV-L (“Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder”)

          1st year: 1,086.82 euros
          2nd year: 1,140.96 euros
          3rd year: 1,190.61 euros

  • additional annual bonus
  • “München-Zulage”
  • events for apprentices (e.g. small Christmas party and exchange of gifts)
  • introduction days and excursions for our apprentices
  • regularly held meetings for apprentices
  • mutual projects
  • a room for our apprentices, e.g. for lunch breaks
  • working in our branch offices possible

Departments you will go through during your apprenticeship

  • Department Accommodation: issuing tenancy agreements, handing over keys to the flats and checking matriculation certificates
  • Department University Gastronomy: procurement of goods
  • Department Educational Assistance Office: dealing with BAföG applications, giving general financial advice to students
  • Staff Department* Personnel: dealing with staff-related processes and questions and issues of our employees
  • Staff Department Finances: basics of bookkeeping, accountancy and auditing of accounts
  • Staff Department Controlling: quality management, controlling and processes

* A staff department is an organisational unit within a company which supports the other departments.

That’s what our apprentices say

Lea K. & Farida B., 3rd year

“We really enjoy the apprenticeship with the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern. Working with young students is always very interesting and never gets boring. Also, all the switching from one department or staff department of the Studierendenwerk to the next make it a very diverse apprenticeship.”

Rafail K. & Hannah G., 3rd year

“The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern offers many opportunities, you get to know various departments and can thus develop new interests.”


Hier beschreibt Hannah ihre Erfahrungen während eines Praktikums in der Kinderkirppe. Hier klicken ►

Hier ist eine Erfahungsbericht von Stella über ihre Zeit in der Kita "Uniküken" zu lesen.
Hier klicken ►

Stella K., 2nd year

Rafail, ehemaliger Azubi