Study Abroad – Information for Students Studying at German Universities

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Different ways abroad

Whilst looking at job advertisements in the newspaper or online, you are likely to have stumbled across sentences such as 'experience abroad would be of advantage' or 'international experience required'. Regardless of whether you want to acquire experience abroad for your career or for your own personal development, time spent studying or working abroad is a valuable experience for your future.

Whether you want to study, work or complete an internship abroad, the following links provide information to help you read up on the topic and prepare:

International Student Identity Card

The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is not responsible for issuing International Student Identity Cards (ISIC).

Matriculated students in possession of their student ID can usually obtain an ISIC in travel agencies should their universities not offer this service.

More information is available at or here.

There’s a travel agency in the foyer of the Leopoldstraße Canteen, which also issues ISICs.