Where to Get Information
Useful information online
There are lots of different websites offering well-structured information and overviews for planning your stay in Germany.
Helping you decide – answer three short questions for detailed information about what you could study in Germany:
Portals with information on basically all study programmes available at German universities:
Finding the right university:
Universities, admission criteria and application processes:
Planning your studies in Germany:
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The most important place to turn to for students from around the world wanting to study in Germany is the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD). The DAAD is a joint institution of the German universities. Its goal is to support German universities’ international relations by means of academic exchanges of students and researchers as well as international programmes and projects. The DAAD therefore has a worldwide network of branch offices, lecturers and alumni associations and also provides individual information and advice. It sees itself as an intermediary of foreign cultural policy, higher education and science policy as well as academic co-operation.
Important functions of the DAAD:
- awarding scholarships in order to support international studies and continuing education as well as academic research to international and German students, graduates, trainees, young scientists and university lecturers
- supporting German scholars and lecturers in all academic fields (including German language, literature as well as regional and cultural studies) with regard to long- and short-term lectureships at international universities
- providing information on study and research opportunities in Germany and abroad by means of publications and similar as well as providing individual verbal and written information
- supporting former scholarship holders, especially those abroad, through get-togethers and other events as well as programmes for supporting international students at German universities
Contact details
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst e.V. (DAAD)
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn
phone: +49 228 882-0
fax: +49 228 882-444
email: postmaster@daad.de
Important links and information provided on the DAAD’s website
requirements for studying in Germany
preparing for your stay in Germany