Cost of Living

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Munich is a very attractive city with a high standard of living and a relatively large number of high-quality jobs. For this reason, many people come to live in the Bavarian capital. The other side of the coin is that the cost of living in Munich is relatively high. You should figure on about €900 per month – the greatest part of which is usually made up by accommodation costs. You can find more detailed information in our (German) 2016 social report, or in its short version.

Apart from the cost of living, there is also the Studierendenwerk Fee (“Studierendenwerksbeitrag”), which the Studierendenwerk uses to finance its diverse services. At some universities or for certain courses of study there might also be additional costs but the general tuition fees have been abolished since the winter semester 2013/14. At the same time, the semester ticket (for using public transport in Munich) was introduced, which requires all students to pay a compulsory basic amount.

More information on the cost of living can be found here:

portal with data on the costs of consumer goods

information on the exchange programmes Erasmus and Erasmus +