bdvb – federal association of German business academics and economists
The bdvb (Bundesverband Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V.) has been representing the interests of all economists in Germany for over 110 years. It offers particular support to its members in terms of studying, working, career development and further education. Being an independent, established and also the largest organisation of business academics, it promotes interdisciplinary discussion and provides a forum for exchanging information between theoretical and practical economics.
The bdvb has over 12,000 members, approximately 50% of whom are still studying. The 'Economists' Network' considers it its duty to promote the public's awareness of economic correlations.
Contact details
Bundesverband Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V. (bdvb)
Bezirksgruppe München-Südbayern
Major-Braun-Weg 4
85354 Freising
phone: +49 171 2836056