Student Initiatives, Associations and Organisations
Studying at a university is intended to qualify you for your later professional life. In order to succeed in finding the right job during or after your studies, you should get in touch with potential employers in good time – especially with an international focus. There are several student associations and organisations at the universities and related institutions who offer their assistance in this matter.
- AEGEE – Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe (European Students’ Forum)
- AIESEC – the largest international student organisation
- bdvb – Bundesverband Deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V. (federal association of German business academics and economists)
- bmvd – Die Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e.V. (federal association of medical students in Germany)
- bvh – Bundesverband der Börsenvereine an deutschen Hochschulen e.V. (federal association of stock market clubs at German universities)
- ClubIn Internationaler Treff – Verein für Internationale Jugendarbeit München e.V. (international get-together)
- ELSA – The European Law Students' Association
- IAESTE an der TUM e.V. – International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience
- f.a.s.t. e.V. – Federation of Active Students of Tourism Management
- VWI - Verband Deutscher Wirtschaftsingenieure e.V. (association of German business engineers)
Some of the websites are offered by commercial or private providers. As far as we know, however, there is no charge for information. The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern does not benefit from providing the links; it cannot, however, assume any liability.
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