Staying in Germany

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Doctoral degree

Approximately 120 universities in Germany offer the possibility of obtaining a doctorate after you have graduated. About 25,000 doctoral candidates obtain a doctorate each year. They're all of the opinion that it's well worth your while to crown your studies with a doctorate. Detailed information is available at the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). You should also get some information on residence regulations for students doing their doctorate.

Master’s degree

Some universities offer specially designed master's programmes for international students, such as the Technical University and the HM University of Applied Sciences in Munich.

Postgraduate studies

Just like a Master’s degree, a different type of postgraduate course of study is also an option and also possible regarding residence. Usually, after having successfully completed your studies, an at the longest two-year post-graduate study period is possible (as long as your studies up to now were completed efficiently).

Second degree

Due to residence regulations, choosing to start a second course of study after having completed your degree is one of the most difficult options to continue studying in Germany. If you're nonetheless planning a second degree, you should get some information with the Department of Public Order regarding your options.

Further information on possibilities of studying in Germany can be found in the DAAD Higher Education Compass.


Don’t forget about insurances, especially health insurance.

Support in finding a job

The amiga Career Center for Internationals of the city of Munich offers advice for international students, graduates, talents and professionals when entering professional life in or around Munich. Whether you're looking for professional support regarding job applications or are looking for a job, infopoints or seminars and workshops – if you live within the MVV area, all services provided by amiga are free of charge.

More detailed information:


After having successfully completed your studies at a German university, you can in general start working – always depending on the job market. Residence permits can be extended for up to a year and a half while searching and applying for a job fitting your degree. You can also enter self-employment. You must have proof of having successfully completed your degree, of financing as well as the necessary health insurance. More information is available here.

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is a residence permit for university graduates, which is intended to facilitate and promote highly qualified people from non-EU countries to permanently immigrate to Germany. This residence permit is valid only for a limited amount of time and there are several requirements you must fulfil:
- a German degree or an international higher education degree that is recognised as comparable to a German higher education degree
- contract of employment or concrete job offer from a company in Germany
- a position with a certain annual income
- the position must be appropriate for someone with your qualifications (higher education degree)

Further details as well as the current minimum gross annual income can be found on this website of the Federal Government "" as well as on the website of the BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees).