As an alternative to BAföG and scholarships, there is also the possibility to take out a loan offered by public institutions specially for students. There are basically three different options:
- Financing your studies from the first semester onwards:
the KfW-Studienkredit (KfW Student Loan, KfW)
- After having passed your “Zwischenprüfung”:
the Bildungskredit (Education Loan, KfW)
- Towards the end of your studies:
the Studienabschlussdarlehen (loan for completing your studies, Darlehenskasse)
We have put together an overview of these three types of loans in our German brochure “Geld für Ihr Studium".
Before you decide to take out a loan, however, you should definitely get in touch with our Student Loan Advisory Service to get some personal and independent advice.