BAföG - Contact Details

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Phone availability of staff members dealing with applications

Due to an extensive system update, our staff members dealing with applications will not be available by phone from 9th - 11th July 2024 as well as from 16th - 18th July 2024 and from 23rd - 25th July 2024.

From 30th July 2024 onwards, we'll be available for again as usual during our regular hours from Tues - Thurs 9 - 11 a.m.

BAföG digital – please note!

The online application platform BAföG digital sends out automatic emails that ask you to hand in missing documents or inform you that your application will be deleted.

These emails sent out automatically by the application portal BAföG digital are irrelevant. Only document requests and other messages which are sent directly by the Amt für Ausbildungsförderung München are relevant for you. 

If it isn’t possible for you to submit your BAföG application online due to technical reasons, you can of course also send us your application by post.


Requests concerning your individual status

Dear students, due to the high number of applications we are receiving at the moment, we would kindly like to ask you to refrain from enquiring about your personal status shortly after having submitted your documents. Dealing with cases can currently take up to several weeks after us having received your documents. The latest application status can be found here. Any emails you have sent will be dealt with together with your submitted documents after we have received them. Our FAQ section also provides answers to various questions you may have!

Staff members in charge

Depending on your surname, different staff members are responsible for your individual case. You can contact the staff member dealing with your case under: +49 89 38196-extension.

Our General BAföG Advisory Service or also the federal BAföG Hotline (0800-223 63 41) might also be able to answer many of your questions.

Suitable questions to be answered on the phone include:

  • “I am going to stop studying. For how much longer will I receive funding?”
  • “I have exceeded my maximum period of study (“Regelstudienzeit”). Am I still eligible for BAföG?”
  • “What happens if there’s a month in which I earn more than 520 euros?”
  • “My parents have not handed in the required documents. What can I do?”

Please refrain from asking questions such as:

  • “I submitted my documents last week. Have you received them?”

Please submit your documents via upload. You will then automatically receive a confirmation for your own records.


Letters Team in charge Extension
A - Fl Team 1 -1001
Fm - Fz Team 2 -1002
G     Team 4 -1004
H - Mauz Team 2 -1002
Mav - Sec Team 3 -1003
Sed - Z Team 4 -1004


BAföG Service Centre (BSZ)

Due to a build-up of applications to be dealt with, no BSZ consultation appointments can be handed out at the minute.


The  phone opening hours of our staff members dealing with applications are: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Before contacting us, please also have a look at our FAQ section and our BAföG News.

Our General BAföG Advisory Service is also available by phone. Please check their individual opening hours.

Upload - submit documents online

Please don’t send us your documents as email attachments, but upload them:

The link will take you to the new online application, which deals with all applications made throughout Germany.

If you attach your documents to emails, they might not be transferred correctly and will have to be assigned individually by hand, which causes delays!

Further advantages of the upload system:

  • you receive a confirmation that your application/documents have been received
  • no postage
  • your documents are automatically assigned to your case

Please make sure that any photos or scans are CLEARLY LEGIBLE.

Postal address

Should you be sending something by post, please always include:

  • “Förderungsnummer” (funding number of the BAföG office in Munich) – if you already received one
  • full name and date of birth (of the student)
  • contact details of the sender should there be any questions

Please use the following postal address:

Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung
Postfach 40 18 25
80718 München

Communication via email

Please be aware that we cannot answer all email requests. For instance:

  • “Have you received my letter?”
    Please only submit your documents via upload, upon which you will automatically receive a confirmation!

We definitely don’t accept any emails containing the following information (only signed upload or letter possible):

  • “My bank details have changed and now are as follows ...”
    Emails could always be faked and we don’t pay out any funding to your new bank account if you don’t inform us about it in writing – which includes a signature!

The following are examples of what you can inform us of by email:

  • “I won’t manage to send my documents by the given deadline, but will send them by ...”
  • “I have stopped/interrupted my course of studies / I am going abroad. I will hand in a confirmation at a later stage.”

In cases such as these you can contact us via email:!