Results of the Satisfaction Survey 2022
University Gastronomy
In 2022, a total of 878 people took part in our satisfaction survey – the year before, it was only 472.
We’d like to sincerely thank all our guests who took the time to answer our questions on our gastronomic services!
The University Gastronomy’s 39 gastronomic services that were part of the survey were made up of 7 canteens, 11 StuBistrosMensa, 10 StuCafés, 8 StuLounges and 3 Espressobars. The questionnaire on our University Gastronomy contains 18 questions, such as satisfaction with the variety offered on the menus, with what the meals taste like or how freshly-prepared they are.
The rating scale for the individual questions offers following rating possibilities: 1 = very dissatisfied, 2 = dissatisfied, 3 = good average, solid service 4 = good, above-average service, 5 = very satisfied, very good service (in the German questionnaire: 1 = sehr unzufrieden, 2 = unzufrieden, 3 = guter Durchschnitt, solide Leistung, 4 = gut ausgeprägte, überdurchschnittliche Leistung, 5 = sehr zufrieden, ausgeprägte Leistung.)
With most of the questions, it is also possible to leave a personal comment in an extra field.
Compared to the previous year, which was still strongly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, almost all our gastronomic services were open again from 15th April in the year 2022. The number of guests who provided feedback almost doubled compared to 2021, but is still not sufficient to be regarded representative for the individual gastronomic services. Considering the fact that there were roughly three million meals served in 2022, 878 feedbacks represent a participation of merely approx. 0.03%.
However, if you nonetheless compare the results from 2022 with 2021, you can see that the overall evaluations have remained quite stable. This is all the more pleasing as our guests positively acknowledged the services provided by the University Gastronomy last year despite the new crises and the thus necessary increase in prices. For instance, overall satisfaction with the services provided by our University Gastronomy remained on an average of 3.7.
We would like to thank all our guests who used our services in 2022 and continue to do so. We always do our best to offer our students the best possible service.
We will maintain and continue to improve the diverse services offered to our students.