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Our menus

@END_MENSALISTE@ StuCafé Heßstraße, Lothstraße 64, 80335 München
StuCafé Leopoldstraße, Leopoldstraße 13, 80802 München
StuCafé in der Mensa Weihenstephan, Maximus-von-Imhof-Forum 5, 85354 Freising
StuBistroMensa Schillerstraße, Schillerstraße 47

Dear guests,


We're happy to offer you a large selection of dishes every day.

However, we sometimes have to adjust our menus due to shortages among our suppliers or an unexpected high demand. 

As our menus are planned six to eight weeks in advance short-notice changes can occur.

On our own behalf:

If you or someone you know would be interested in working in our University Gastronomy, have a look at our current job advertisements and apply!


Your University Gastronomy

Questions or suggestions?

Send us an email!

Wir sind wieder für Sie da!

Wir begrüßen unsere Gäste zum Wintersemester

Zum Wintersemester 2021/2022 öffnen wir wieder einen Großteil unserer Betriebsstellen.


Wir freuen uns auf Sie.


Ihre Hochschulgastronomie

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