University Community Freising (HSG)
University Community Freising (HSG)
The ecumenical university community in Freising (Hochschulgemeinde/HSG) provides various services for all students and staff of TUM School of Life Sciences and the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. The HSG is a place where, on the foundation of Christian values, possibilities open up for dealing with vital matters of life and social developments, a place for getting together, where besides advice and support also spirituality is offered.
Services and Activities:
advisory services – coaching – inter-religious dialogue – relaxation – spending time in the mountains and nature – faith discussions – church services – international get-together – drinking coffee – monastery days – meeting people – meditation – playing music – room to study – games evenings – quiet – support with scholarships – meetings for students with a child – support in emergency situations – finding professional help – Christmas in the woods – science and faith – reading newspapers
The House
- is located close to the campus, just five minutes away from the canteen and the university library
- offers opportunities for open meetings or fixed groups
- offers room for relaxation and rest (large garden and attic meditation room)
- has a piano available for practising on
- has useful facilities, such as a washing machine, a dryer or the tool room
- accommodates the “Lebensmittel-Fairteiler” (foodsharing)
During the Semester
- the HSG organizes an evening spent together every Tuesday
- there are church services and meditation sessions
- students with a child meet up
- meetings of international students take place regularly
You can find more detailed information about the programme at
Contact Details:
Hochschulgemeinde Freising
Hohenbachernstraße 9
85354 Freising
phone: +49 8161 4874-10