Jewish Student Association in Bavaria (VJSB)

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The Jewish Student Association in Bavaria (VJSB) is based in Munich and dedicates themselves to all areas of Jewish student life: culture, intercultural dialogue, holidays, parties, sports events and political commitment are all part of our programme.

The VJSB was founded during the postwar period, representing the interests of Jewish students. It helped out with food ration cards and offered advisory service for students. Over the following decades, the association more and more became a socio-political initiative of students, trainees and young professionals, aged between 18 and 35, from Jewish communities in Bavaria.

After a break, the VJSB was reactivated in 2004. Its goal is to offer a home to young Jews in Bavaria, where they can develop, strengthen and live their Jewish identity.

The motto “With us, acquaintances will quickly turn into good friends” is the focus of our agenda.

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