Academic Community Rosenheim

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The Academic Community is an organization of the Catholic and Protestant church. The churches finance and staff the academic community in different proportions. It is open to all students and staff of the University of Applied Sciences.

We offer opportunities to meet people, to discuss topics of interest, to find yourself, and to become actively involved within the campus and community. By means of current topics as well as existential questions, we try to provide a platform where you can both find and express yourself, and where you can discuss your beliefs.

The pastor and pastoral co-workers are available for individual talks, and, we also offer psychosocial counselling services. During the semester, regular meetings take place on Wednesdays between 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. in the StuPa at the University of Applied Sciences. Also on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., our psychosocial counselling service takes place at the same location.

You can find more information about the Academic Community’s events in the semester programme (Semesterprogrammheft), on posters and on our website:


Contact Details

Schüler- und Studentenzentrum
Pettenkoferstr. 9
83022 Rosenheim

phone: +49 8031 389380
fax: +49 8031 3893820