Student Loan Advisory Service
What we offer:
- information on what can be done if your scholarship, BAföG, support from your parents or your part-time job are not sufficient
- support if you're unsure whether or not to take out a loan
- free and independent advice on different student loans available
- checking individual requirements
- information on the duration of loans, conditions, interest and repayment arrangements
- advice on student loans you're intending or have already taken out
- loan advice if you're experiencing short-term financial difficulties
- loan advice on long-term financing strategies during your studies
- tips on how to avoid excessive debts
- advice on various loan options without any obligation
- overview of further advisory services available
In order to avoid making unnecessary debts, we advise you to first look into more favourable financing options than loans. For there are often better alternatives that can help you. You can get free information on other options at the following advisory services:
- General Advice and Social Counselling
How to contact us:
We're happy to offer our service on the phone during our general office hours.
If you'd like to have a personal consultation, please give us a ring during our office hours or send us an email to arrange an appointment.
We urgently ask you to cancel appointments should you not be able to keep them so that we can hand them on to other students in need of our support!
It's also possible to have video call sessions – for which we also ask you to arrange an appointment up ahead.
Should you be showing any symptoms of a cold, we ask you not to come by personally. In that case, we provide our advisory service via video call or on the phone.
Ms. Fuchssteiner and Ms. Besada
Tuesdays to Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
phone: +49 89 38196-1220
postal address:
Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern
Studienkreditberatung im Beratungszentrum
Helene-Mayer-Ring 9
80809 München
FAQ Student Loan Advisory Service
Yes, that’s what we'd recommend.
If, for instance, your scholarship, BAföG, support from your parents or your part-time job are no longer sufficient. We'd be happy to provide some information on the different types of loans possible for you.
- Studienabschlussdarlehen (loan for completing your studies)
- Bildungskredit (education loan)
- KfW-Studienkredit (KfW Student Loan)
- Studienabschlussdarlehen: You can contact us, the Student Loan Advisory Service, by phone during our general opening hours (phone: 089/ 38196 - 1220) and arrange an appointment with us to personally hand in the completed application documents at the Student Loan Advisory Service (Helene-Mayer-Ring 9, entrance h, room h2, 80809 München).
- Bildungskredit: online on the website of the Federal Office of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt)
- KfW-Studienkredit: online on the website of the KfW Bank
That greatly depends on your individual situation. You're very welcome to give us a ring for more detailed information.
Unfortunately, KfW extensions are no longer possible with us. Please contact your KfW bank or a KfW sales partner (to be found on the KfW website).
That depends on the type of loan, on how many applications are being made and on when you submit your application; it could take anywhere between 2 weeks and several months. We'd therefore recommend to contact us in good time so as not to miss possible deadlines.
For general information on how to finance your studies, you're very welcome to contact our General Advice and Social Counselling. We recommend getting in touch with our colleagues even before your studies begin.