Online Application
Important Information for exchange students and students participating in an exchange program like ERASMUS, university partnerships etc.
For exchange students or students participating in an exchange program it is NOT possible to take part in the online registration.
Please get in touch with your university. Thank you.
Information regarding online applications
We'd like to ask you to take a close look at the information available on our website regarding the type of accommodation available in the various halls of residence. Apartments (small flats with cooking facilities and shower/toilet) are not available in all dddddddhalls of residence.
If you wish to move into an apartment, please check our web pages to find out in which halls of residence these are available.
PLEASE NOTE! Applying for the summer semester is only possible from 15 November of the year before and applying for the winter semester is only possible from 15 May of the same year!
First-semester students also have the chance of winning their room in a raffle.