Accommodation - FAQ
You’ll be on our waiting list from the day you submit your application.
You’ll automatically receive an email confirming your application.
Should there be any questions regarding your documents or application, we’ll get in touch with you by email.
Please note that this can take up to 7 days after submitting your application.
Please check under My Account (Application FAQs) whether all your documents were successfully uploaded.
Please do so for every document you upload, also for your certificate of enrolment at the beginning of each semester.
In general, free accommodation units are allocated according to the chronological order in which we receive the applications (waiting list). Ratios and quotas are applied for allocating accommodation in order to ensure a well-balanced residential make-up in the student hall of residence.
The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern (STWM) reserves the right to diverge from the waiting list in individual cases in order to ensure a socially stable residential make-up can be created and maintained.
More details regarding the ratios, quotas and allocation process can be found in our Policy for Allocating Accommodation under Item 4.
Accommodation units are usually offered via a “Festanschreiben” (regular accommodation offer), which is sent out approx. 3 - 8 weeks before the new student can move in.
The Festanschreiben will be emailed to you as a PDF file, including a tenancy agreement as well as additional documents (supplementary agreement, notification regarding withdrawal).
If you don't accept the accommodation offer within the specified period or don't respond to it within the specified period, the accommodation offer will expire.
Submitting the signed tenancy agreement as well as the direct debit authorization signed by the account holder within the stipulated period is an absolute requirement and is equivalent to accepting the accommodation offer.
If you don’t accept the accommodation offer or don’t accept it in time or if we don’t get a response, your application will expire.
In this case, you can submit a new application; you will however lose your position on the waiting list.
The tenancy is only in force once the tenancy agreement has been signed by the STWM. First-time tenancy agreements are usually signed for a minimum period of one year.
Due to the nature of student accommodation, there can be short-notice accommodation offers sent out approx. 1-2 weeks before a new student can move in.
In this case, the accommodation offer is sent out to several persons on the waiting list via a “Schnellanschreiben”.
Whoever replies first, according to the principle of priority, will receive the accommodation unit. All other applicants keep their position on the waiting list.
Please note! If you were accepted for the offered accommodation unit (first person to reply) by being sent a tenancy agreement, please make sure to sign it and send it back to us within the stipulated period. Should you not return the tenancy agreement in time, your application will expire.
In this case, you can submit a new application; you will however lose your position on the waiting list.
The tenancy is only in force once the tenancy agreement has been signed by the STWM. First-time tenancy agreements are usually signed for a minimum period of one year.
No, unfortunately that’s not possible. We don’t arrange any appointments to look at rooms. As our accommodation units are occupied without any interruption it’s not possible for us to organize official viewings.
You’ll find pictures of the halls as well as detailed descriptions on our website.
The maximum tenancy duration is seven semesters for Bachelor, Lehramt, Diplom, Magister and Staatsexamen study programmes, and four semesters for Master study programmes. Cumulation is excluded. If you change to a new course of study, the remaining time left in your tenancy (“Restwohnzeit”) remains unchanged. The requirements for being authorized to live in the halls of residence must be fulfilled throughout the entire tenancy.
Our tenancy agreements are drawn up to suit your study progress. Due to renovation/construction work, the duration can however vary. You’ll receive additional information on this along with your tenancy agreement. However, prolonging your tenancy due to the regular tenancy period not yet being exhausted might be possible.
Up-to-date regulations for tenancy agreements signed AFTER 1st April 2024:
Tenancies can be extended under special circumstances, for instance in the case of
- the regular tenancy period not yet having been exhausted,
- acute hardship (especially in the case of serious illness, death of a close relative, divorce proceedings, pregnancy and parenthood while studying),
- exceptional student commitment,
- evidently imminent graduation within one more semester (“Examensverlängerung”). “Examensverlängerung” is the last possibility of prolonging tenancies.
The Hardship Committee (“Härtefallausschuss”) can be consulted for the assessment of hardship cases (check Item 6 of our Policy for Allocating Accommodation); a commission made up of representatives of the halls and the STWM can be consulted for the assessment of exceptional student commitment.
Extending tenancies due to illness or due to imminent graduation is, in general, limited to one semester each. Extending tenancies due to exceptional student commitment is limited to a maximum of two semesters. The committee can decide to make exceptions.
Regulations for tenancy agreements signed BEFORE 1st April 2024:
Honorary semesters for potential tenancy extensions that were obtained by 31st March 2024 remain valid. The maximum tenancy duration must not exceed 10 semesters.
1. House representatives as well as hall/Servicepaket tutors can apply for an extension of their tenancy of up to 4 semesters per person.
2. Transitional arrangement for Bachelor students
Residents who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor's degree programme may be able to apply for having a 7th semester added to their tenancy. Please contact us if you have any questions.
3. Network administrators
Network administrators can apply for honorary semesters of up to 4 semesters per person.
4. Special social commitment
Upon application, the STWM grants honorary semesters for special commitment in the hall of residence of up to 2 semesters per person/job.
The Hardship Committee (“Härtefallausschuss”) can be consulted for the assessment of hardship cases (check Item 6 of our Policy for Allocating Accommodation);
Extending tenancies due to illness or due to imminent graduation is, in general, limited to one semester each.
The deadline for applying for an additional semester is 1st June of any given year for tenancy agreements which end on 30th September or 1st December of any given year for tenancy agreements which end on 31st March. Applications are to be submitted via email using the available form.
Permission for extending tenancies can only be granted by the STWM and only for one semester at a time; each case is decided upon individually. Applicants are not legally entitled to be granted an extension of their tenancy.
Yes, that’s possible. For further information, please have a look at the FAQ above on extending tenancies in general and Item 3 and 6 of our Policy for Allocating Accommodation as well as our FAQs for hardship cases and couples.
Yes. If your tenancy agreement ends on 30th September, you’ll receive an email with further information on prolonging your tenancy sometime between the middle of April and the beginning of May of that year. Applications need to be submitted in time, including all the required documents, at the latest by 1st June of that year.
Any applications we receive after that date cannot be taken into consideration.
If your tenancy agreement ends on 31st March, you’ll receive an email with further information on prolonging your tenancy sometime between the middle of October and the beginning of November of the previous year. Applications need to be submitted in time, including all the required documents, at the latest by 1st December of the year preceding the end of your tenancy agreement.
Any applications we receive after that date cannot be taken into consideration.
No, that’s not necessary. The deposit is usually withdrawn 20 days after you receive the email “SEPA Ankündigung - Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern” (SEPA notification – Studierendenwerk).
Your rent will be taken off your account on the 8th day of each month.
Information on when the first rent payment will be withdrawn can be found in our email “SEPA Ankündigung - Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern” (SEPA notification – Studierendenwerk), which you’ll receive by the 3rd day of the month.
Along with the tenancy agreement, signed and sent back by the Studierendenwerk, you’ll also receive an attachment with information on how the handing over of keys is handled by your hall of residence.
The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern’s accommodation units are rented out without any interruption.
Therefore it could be possible that your room shows damage and/or still needs to be painted after you have moved in.
Along with your tenancy documents, you’ll receive a form on which you can report any damage/irregularity that is present when you move in.
Please be aware that any damage that was not reported within two weeks after you moved in will be deducted from your deposit after you have moved out again. The filled in form is to be handed in with the caretaker.
Important information on moving in can be found on our website under Studierendenwerk Accommodation.
Once you’ve moved in, you’ll also receive an email from our Service Desk containing important information as well as the “Wohnungsgeberbestätigung” (confirmation of landlord required for registering your new address).
Yes. Every household in Germany must pay a certain fee for using the internet, radio and TV. Also students who live in student halls of residence need to pay the fee (if you receive BAföG, you can apply for exemption.)
The fee is not included in the rent.
It may be possible to share it with others in shared flats. Talk to your flat mates about it. In accordance with tenancy law, it’s not possible that the Studierendenwerk pays the licence fee directly.
Information for students in English can be found at After students have registered with the Residents’ Registration Office, it usually transfers the data to the “ARD ZDF Beitragsservice”. Consequently, every resident will be contacted separately and must respond in order to avoid a potential fine.
Yes, that’s possible. Our rooms are furnished with the essentials. You are very welcome to additionally furnish your rented room yourself, for example bring along small furniture.
This does not apply for communally used rooms in shared flats. These rooms are not rented out; tenants are rather entitled to use them for the intended purposes. For this reason, you’re not allowed to set up furniture and other items in these rooms.
There’s no storage possibility for the furniture that’s already in your room. If you want to store furniture, you have to organize it yourself.
IMPORTANT! Furniture that is provided by us and which you stored elsewhere must be back in the room when you move out. You’ll be charged for any missing furniture.
Yes, they do. Please find out the exact location of your hall’s laundry rooms once you’ve moved in. The tutors are always happy to help you find your bearings in your hall.
Please log in to “My Account” on our website and fill in a damage report.
You can also find a QR code near the caretaker’s office in your hall of residence, which you can scan. That will also lead you directly to our online damage report.
Your login details generally consist of the email address you provided as well as an automatically generated password, which you cannot change yourself.
You received them already when you submitted your application; they’re the ones you also use to upload your certificate of enrolment.
Yes, that’s possible. In order to do so, please get in touch with your administration by email or personally.
Roughly 4-6 weeks before you move out you’ll receive an email with all the relevant information on moving out.
The email will include information, for instance, on what needs to be cleaned, where to hand in your keys as well as further details regarding the repayment of your deposit.
Please set up a “Nachsendeauftrag” with the post office. A “Nachsendeauftrag” will automatically forward your mail to your new address ensuring it won’t land in your old letter box by accident.
Roughly 4-6 weeks before you move out you’ll receive an email with all the relevant information on moving out.
The email will include information, for instance, on what needs to be cleaned, where to hand in your keys as well as further details regarding the repayment of your deposit.
Yes, that’s possible. Please note! The STWM’s accommodation units are rented out without any interruption. Should you want to be present when handing over your accommodation unit on the day you move out you need to count with having to wait for a certain amount of time. We ask for your understanding, as this is due to a large number of residents moving out. Please arrange an appointment with the caretaker well in advance.
The entire deposit is refunded three to four months after your tenancy has ended onto the account which you last gave us, provided there was no damage found when you handed over your accommodation unit and there are no outstanding debts.
Please note that 150.00 euros will be retained until the final “Betriebskostenabrechnung” (settlement of utilities paid for and used) has been drawn up.
Yes, that’s possible. Please have a look at our Sublet Policy and register your subletting, submitting all required documents, within the deadline with the administrative office in charge of your hall.
Required documents:
- reason for subletting (e.g. document verifying internship)
- enrolment certificate of subtenant
- completed sublet registration form
Please note! The duration of the subtenancy is counted to your tenancy and CANNOT be added to the ordinary duration of your tenancy.
You have two options:
1. You find a subtenant for the period of time you’ll be gone. Have a look at our Sublet Policy and register your subletting, submitting all required documents, within the deadline with the administrative office in charge of your hall.
Required documents:
- reason for subletting (e.g. document verifying internship)
- enrolment certificate of subtenant
- completed sublet registration form
Please note! The duration of the subtenancy is counted to your tenancy and CANNOT be added to the ordinary duration of your tenancy.
2. You apply for “re-admission”. However, this is only possible if you’re away for 1 semester and not for a period of time lasting for example only 3-4 months.
You can interrupt your tenancy for one semester, provided you have at least 1 year left in your tenancy (“Restwohnzeit”). If you’d like to do this, please get in touch with your administrative office. You need to apply with them for re-admission.
Please note! You’re required to be enrolled at your university in Munich, Freising or Rosenheim for the entire time you’re away, no matter whether you’re taking a semester off or not.
How to proceed:
- Arrange a date for moving out with your administration and apply for re-admission, submitting the required documents.
- Provide an approximate date on which you’ll presumably require new accommodation.
- Vacate your room or apartment completely by the date you arranged. It will be rented out to someone else.
- Get in touch with your administration roughly 6-8 weeks before you’d like to move in again and let them know when you want to move back in. You will then be re-included in the allocation process.
Please note! If you don’t get in touch with us, we won’t automatically re-include you.