Construction Work

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Construction work in our halls of residence

We are always eager to improve the quality and atmosphere in our existing halls of residence as well as to create new living quarters for the benefit of our students. For this reason, construction work is currently going on in some of our halls of residence. This may lead to longer waiting periods for rooms in these particular halls. Please be aware of this when applying online.

The construction work might also affect you as a resident; in particular, there could be noise disturbance and dust immissions. We want to point this out explicitly and would like to ask our residents to please refrain from complaining in this matter. The construction work is for the most part customary and has to be accepted by the tenants. The same applies for residents living in buildings next to the construction work going on.

Overview Construction Work

Halls of Residence                                       Expected Period of Construction Work

                                                                                                  from                         to

Agnesstraße 33/35                                                                    2026                         2028

Heiglhofstraße 64-66                                                                 2026                         2029

Schwere-Reiter-Straße                                                              ongoing                    2025


Christoph-Probst-Straße 6 (House 13)                                      2026                         2028

Hans-Leipelt-Straße 7 (House 10)                                             2026                         2028

Hans-Scholl-Halle (sports hall)                                                  ongoing                     2025

Hans-Leipelt-Straße 6/8/10 (House 14)                                     2025                         2026

Christoph-Probst-Straße 16 (House 9) and Christoph-Probst-  ongoing                    2028
Straße 8 (House 12) (refurbishment by BayernHeim GmbH)

Lange Point 1-35, Freising                                                         2026                        2029

Giggenhauserstraße 27-33, Freising                                         2025                         2028

Westerndorfer Straße 47, Rosenheim (construction work on    ongoing                    2030
neighbouring property)

Please note

The actual duration of the construction work might be shorter or longer than stated above. We do our best to keep this overview up to date.