Application Process

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What happens from applying to moving in?

1. Application

After having applied online, you’ll automatically receive an email confirming your application. The email will contain a summary of the data you provided in your application.

From the day you apply, your name will be on the waiting list. The waiting list is sorted by application date.

In order for your application to remain active, you need to upload the current certificate of matriculation (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung / IB) every semester. The deadlines for uploading your certificate are the 1st of November for the winter semester, the 1st of May for the summer semester. If you don’t upload your certificate of matriculation by this date, your application will be deactivated.

You’ll receive an email reminding you to upload your certificate of matriculation roughly 4 weeks before the deadline.

2. Waiting period

From the day you apply, your name will be on the waiting list. The waiting list is sorted by application date.

The given waiting periods are intended as a rough orientation. They are based on past experience; even if you’d know your exact position on the waiting list, it would not be certain when you can move in (The reason for this is that the number of terminations as well as the effect of updating the waiting list after the deadline for uploading the certificate of matriculation can only be roughly estimated). We therefore ask you to take a note of your application date and be prepared to wait for roughly the stated period. Please note that we don’t provide any information regarding your current position on the waiting list. Please refrain from enquiring about it.

3. Accommodation Offer

3.1 Festanschreiben regular accommodation offer

As soon as you have reached to top of the waiting list, you’ll receive an accommodation offer via email. If you want to accept the offer, you’ll need to send back the signed tenancy agreement to the provided email address by the date stated. By submitting the signed tenancy agreement, you accept the accommodation.

You will then receive further instructions via email regarding the signing of the contract and collecting your keys.

If you don't accept the accommodation offered → your application will expire!

If you don’t accept the accommodation offer (Festanschreiben) before the given deadline, the offer will no longer be valid and your application will be deleted. There is the possibility of applying anew; however, your waiting period will start all over again.

3.2 Schnellanschreiben short-notice accommodation offer

Due to various circumstances, accommodation units occasionally become available at short notice. If that happens, a "Schnellanschreiben" is sent out to several students at the same time.

An accommodation offer via “Schnellanschreiben” is not binding; if you don’t react to it, your application will still remain on the waiting list.

The accommodation will be given to whoever is first to send back the SEPA direct debit mandate contained in the Schnellanscheiben to the stated email address and receives a confirmation from the Studierendenwerk.

If you don’t accept the offer or if you weren’t quick enough to answer, your application will remain on the waiting list.

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