Applying for Accommodation - FAQ
Please note!
Please be aware that we only accept one application for each student (initial application). Any additional application will be deleted without further comment.
If you’ve already applied and have a question, please get in touch by email to
Applying for Accommodation
Requirements include:
1. You must be enrolled in a regular course of study(*1) at a university represented by the Studierendenwerk.
Jurisdiction of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern:
• Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
• Technical University of Munich (TUM) (*2)
• Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM)
• University of Music and Theatre (HMTM)
• Munich School of Politics and Public Policy (HfP)
• International University SDI München
• Blocherer Schule
• Katholische Stiftungshochschule University of Applied Sciences (KSH)
• Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences (TH Rosenheim, only for halls in Rosenheim)
• University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan (HSWT, only for halls in Freising)
• University of Television and Film (HFF)
• Academy of Fine Arts (AdBK)
• International School of Management (ISM)
• Munich School of Philosophy (HfPh)
• Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HDBW), Munich Campus
• Ukrainische Freie Universität
2. Your monthly income must not exceed the up-to-date BAföG maximum rate by more than 30%.
(*1) regular course of study (“ordentlicher Studiengang”): “regular students” are students who are enrolled at a university or school of higher education and whose time and work is mainly used for their studies.
(*2) excl. Straubing Campus
Persons who fulfil any of the following criteria on the date they will presumably move in or want to move in are not authorized to live in our halls of residence:
• having a monthly income which exceeds the up-to-date BAföG maximum rate by more than 30%
• having had a tenancy agreement terminated by the Studierendenwerk
• having been banned by the Studierendenwerk from entering their premises (“Hausverbot”)
• living in or having lived in an accommodation unit with no valid tenancy agreement or without the consent of the Studierendenwerk
• having rent arrears or other financial debts with the Studierendenwerk
• after having completed a first undergraduate course of study(*1), intending to enrol in another undergraduate course of study; or after having completed a Master’s degree programme, intending to enrol in a further course of study
• doctoral candidates or PhD students
• currently having a signed tenancy agreement with the Studierendenwerk
• not having at least 1 year left as a tenant (“Restwohnzeit”)
Furthermore, persons who, at the time of acquiring their university entrance qualification(*2) (Abiturzeugnis), are registered within the catchment area of the zones M to 4 of the MVV (Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund) are not authorized to live in our halls. This does not apply for universities in Rosenheim and Freising.
(*1) Undergraduate courses of studies provide a first university degree qualifying the student for a profession.
(*2) university entrance qualification: certificate enabling you to enrol at university
No, you’re not. By submitting an application, you let us know that you’re interested in one of our accommodation units; however, you’re not legally entitled to actually be offered one.
Applications are submitted online via the Studierendenwerk website (
Applying for the winter semester is possible from the 15th of May in the year your studies begin, for the summer semester from the 15th of November the year before your studies begin.
Students who are already enrolled can apply at any time.
No, you’re not. Please have a look at our Policy for Allocating Accommodation or at the 2nd FAQ above (exclusion criteria). Exception: If you’ve completed a Bachelor’s degree programme, you’re eligible to apply for your Master’s.
You can choose up to three halls of residence at the main location of your course of study. However, your selection is not treated as a list of priorities.
You must add the following documents to your online application:
a) certificate of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung), in the case of persons who are not yet enrolled the university’s acceptance letter or a document confirming the application with a university
b) the university entrance qualification (such as Abitur certificate)
c) in the case of postgraduate studies (Master’s) a document confirming the already completed previous course of study
d) a scan of your ID/passport
e) the completed form for personal details including in particular information on your registered address, the number of semesters you have been enrolled in your current course of study when applying (“Fachsemester”), information on the campus as well as on your needs and completed study programmes. You will need to confirm that the provided information is correct (entirely completed online application form).
As soon as you receive your certificate of enrolment or acceptance letter, it must be immediately uploaded on our website under “My Account”.
You’ll automatically receive your login details for uploading your documents in a separate email as soon as we have checked and registered your application.
PLEASE NOTE that this can take up to 7 days if many applications are submitted around that time.
My Account is a page on our website where you can upload your certificate of enrolment as well as other documents during and after the application phase.
You’ll receive your login details via email, as explained in the FAQ above. Please be sure to keep them safe. In general, login details consist of the email address you provided as well as an automatically generated password, which you cannot change yourself.
No, you don’t. Please once again log in under My Account to check your application status. It can take up to 7 days for your status to be updated, depending on the type of document you submitted. With certificate of enrolments even until 14th May or 14th November (deadline).
Explanation status:
a) “offen” (open, still to be dealt with)
b) “in Bearbeitung” (being dealt with, only for damage reports during the tenancy)
c) “erledigt” (settled, everything is O.K.)
d) “abgelehnt” (rejected, you’ll find the reason stated in the answer field on the right)
No, that’s not necessary. Just make sure to upload your acceptance letter or your latest certificate of enrolment at the latest by 14th May for the summer semester or at the latest by 14th November for the winter semester under “My Account”.
That depends on several factors. For instance, you need to have at least 1 year left as a resident (“Restwohnzeit”).
Further requirements can be found in our Policy for Allocating Accommodation under Item 1 as well as in the 1st and 2nd FAQ above.
If you’re unsure whether or not you are eligible to apply, please send an email to:
Yes, you can. Applying for accommodation is not binding. You can withdraw your application at any time.
To do so, simply send an email to
No, unfortunately that’s not possible. You're very welcome to get in touch by email:
We only accept one application per student (initial application). Any additional application will be deleted without further comment.
If you’ve already submitted an application and have a question regarding your application, you can get in touch with
There can be several reasons for this; possible reasons might include:
a) You didn’t upload your up-to-date certificate of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung).
b) You didn’t accept a binding accommodation offer or didn’t respond.
c) You didn't react to requests sent by the Online Application.
d) You cannot be contacted via the email address you provided.
We can check for you whether or not your application is still active. If you’d like us to do so, please send an email to:
No, unfortunately that’s not possible. Count with the approximate waiting periods stated on our website. The waiting periods are regularly updated. Due to lots of different influencing factors, it’s impossible for us to provide exact information.
Our up-to-date waiting periods for the individual halls of residence can be found here.
We can issue a document confirming that you’re on our waiting list. If you require this type of confirmation, please send an email to:
One semester lasts six months. It’s the period of time which you will approximately have to wait until you receive an accommodation offer. You can also convert the given waiting period into years, e.g. 4 semesters waiting period would be approx. 2 years after submitting your application.
No, they’re not. In general, free accommodation units are allocated according to the chronological order in which we receive the applications (waiting list). It’s irrelevant whether the free room is in the first, second or third hall that you chose in your application.
Yes, you can. However, it’s almost impossible for you to be offered a room via the Studierendenwerk. Check our waiting periods as well as the application requirements listed in the 1st and 2nd FAQ above. You can get in touch with the international office or the exchange coordinators of your university in Munich, Freising or Rosenheim.
Further information can be found on our website under International as well as in our Policy for Allocating Accommodation under Item 4.
As we only have a limited amount of accommodation available, we allocate our free rooms according to the chronological order in which we receive the applications (waiting list) as well as according to the latest allocation and funding policy. More detailed information can be found under Item 4 of our Policy for Allocating Accommodation.
Yes, that's possible, for instance, due to renovation works, opening of new halls as well as other reasons.
The waiting period which is stated for a hall of residence merely gives the approximate time span between submitting an application and receiving an accommodation offer.
No, unfortunately that’s not possible. You could merely look for a room as a subtenant, provided you’re enrolled at a university (no matter which one or where). However, the Studierendenwerk is not in charge of finding subtenants.
The following links provide information on accommodation websites, privately run halls of residence as well as our Private Accommodation Service: