Using the Canteen Screens

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Your News in our Canteens

Several of our University Gastronomy's canteens are equipped with screens, on which images for information and advertising purposes can be shown. You're very welcome to send us an enquiry. The first step would be to fill in the form provided below. 

Commercial businesses are not entitled to use this free-of-charge advertising opportunity. At the moment, there is also no other possibility for commercial advertisement. Neither the distribution of handouts nor other forms of promotional campaigns are permitted in any of our canteens and cafeterias.

Enquiries must be submitted at the latest one week before the desired publication date. Otherwise, you can't count on your enquiry being dealt with and organised in time. Please keep in mind that there might always be delays due to illnesses. No one is legally entitled to use the monitor system provided by us.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Corporate Communication
phone: +49 89 38196-148

Information regarding the use of your data

Anfrage Mensa-Monitore

Type of organisation *
Category of organisation *
If you selected "charitable organisation", please upload a document proving this.

False information or improper use can result in a request no longer being approved in future, even if an entitlement theoretically exists.

Please select on which canteen's monitors you'd like your images to be shown. The canteens' addresses can be found at Please upload your image files below. Garching Canteen has monitors with different resolutions. You can therefore upload two different files for Garching.

Select location *

Please upload your advertising files using the correct format (see above) and correct resolution. Please only upload image files (e.g. no PDF files). We recommend using the file formats .jpg or .png. Your image can only be displayed on our monitors if the file format, picture format and resolution are correct.

Only necessary for Garching Canteen