News from the StuWerk

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  • Culture

    Free tickets for the open-air cinema Kino, Mond & Sterne

  • Finances

    On what BAföG topics would you like more information?

  • University Gastronomy

    Our canteens’ Brazilian specials month

  • Amendment of bylaws

    Here you can find the new bylaws, in German, regarding the Basic Fee, as well as information concerning the suspension of bylaws regarding the solidarity fee for the semester ticket. > more

  • Information for Ukrainian students

    You're a student from Ukraine? Then this information might be helpful. > more

  • Our Advice and Counselling Network is there for you!

    You’re always welcome to contact us by phone to find out about the advice and support we offer and how we can help you. Don't hesitate to contact us. More information on our individual advice and counselling services and their phone opening hours can be found here.

  • University Gastronomy

    Culinary delights for the winners of the satisfaction survey – and there’ll also be great prizes for participating this year.

  • Director's Office

    The new annual report of the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is online!

  • Information

    BAföG recipients can receive financial support for heating costs

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Semester Ticket

The reduced Deutschland-Ticket allows students to use local and regional public transport in the entire MVV area as well as throughout Germany. If you had a subscription for the Bavarian discount ticket from the MVG for the 23/24 winter semester, it will automatically end at the end of the last month of the winter semester. Tickets will thus no longer be valid after 31st March 2024. You’ll require your up-to-date certificate of enrolment for the 2024 Summer Semester as proof in order to continue your subscription for the 2024 Summer Semester or to subscribe again. Your certificate of enrolment needs to be uploaded in the MVG customer portal.


Further information

Studierendenwerk Functions

The Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is responsible for supporting students studying at the universities we’re in charge of in financial, social, cultural and health matters. Furthermore, it contributes to promoting international relationships.

Every German Studierendenwerk offers their support to a network consisting of several universities and campuses. According to Bavarian Studierendenwerk regulations, the Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern is responsible for a total of 16 universities with 140,000 students studying in Munich and Upper Bavaria.


Further information

We Support Diversity

We stand up for promoting equal opportunities and fighting any type of discrimination.

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Studierendenwerk München Oberbayern Satisfaction Survey

Department University Gastronomy ›

Today's canteen meals!

Have a look at our menus.

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Studying with a Child

Job Offers for Crèche Teachers, Childcare Workers and Interns

We regularly need crèche teachers, childcare workers, interns as well as domestic assistants for our childcare centres. Have a look at the current jobs available under “Job Opportunities”.

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